
Whatever you need, we treat it


Sore throats, allergies, COVID-19, or the flu. We’ll tell you what it is—and get you feeling better.

Pediatric care

Our doctors are well versed in pediatric urgent care, so your child can get treated even when your pediatrician isn’t available.

Blood Tests & Screenings

Stop by any of our locations for tests and screenings to get the results you need quickly.


Sprains and strains, cuts, bruises, or other accidents. Make sure you get them checked out right away.


We offer a wide range of vaccines and immunizations, from the seasonal flu to travel vaccines.

Women’s Health Clinic

When you are experiencing a women’s health issue and prefer not to wait weeks to see your OB/GYN, stop by one of our locations.

Weight Loss Clinic

We will help you on your journey to get your ideal weight.

Online Doctor

Now you can get quality medical care—in the comfort of your own home.

Medical & Employment Forms

No time to get your own doctor to sign medical form or you need to complete employment form? We can help you by visiting your nearest clinic.

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